Virtual Career Workshops
Our Workshop Instructor will help you sharpen your job search skills and explore new career pathways. Join us for one of our daily virtual career workshops or special monthly workshops. Workshops are available online or by appointment.
Find a workshop that is right for you.
Workshop Schedule
Weekly workshops available Monday-Friday include: Using LinkedIn, O*NET Tutorial, Job Searching, Interview Success, Resume Help, Ready for Industry Tutorial, LinkedIn Learning Tutorial, and WIN Career Readiness.
10 AM Using LinkedIn - Learn how to create and use an e ective LinkedIn account.
1 PM O*NET Tutorial - The O*NET program is the main source of job information in the U.S. It has a database with details about many di erent jobs, updated regularly by surveying workers. It also supports Career Exploration Tools, which help workers and students find or change careers.
1 PM Job Searching - Learn how to find a good job that matches your interests and skills.
10 AM Resume 1 - Learn how to create effective resumes using templates, appropriate content, and action plans, including utilizing checklists and cover letter resources.
1 PM Resume 2 - Learn about Automated Tracking Systems (ATS), formatting considerations, the significance of keywords, creating job-specific resumes, and utilizing action plans to tailor resumes for specific positions.
10 AM Interview 1 - Learn professional phone call handling, effective voice message greetings, cancellation and rescheduling communication, interview preparation, appropriate interview attire, company research, and utilizing an interview prep action plan.
1 PM Interview 2 - Learn about interviews, behavioral questions, appropriate body language, effective answers to common interview questions, preparing questions to ask, addressing salary discussions, sending thank-yous, following up on interviews, seeking feedback, and utilizing an interview action plan.
10 AM Ready for Industry Tutorial - Ready for Industry (RFI) offers a series of online, self-paced courses with lessons and activities that provide real learning for individuals. RFI aims to address gaps in typical technical training and focuses on industry and workplace competencies. RFI provides courses, 15-20 hours each, for five of the highest-demand industries: Manufacturing, Healthcare, Information Technology, Logistics, and Construction.
1 PM LinkedIn Learning Tutorial - Thousands of online courses and certificates to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts. *A library card in good standing is required to access LinkedIn Learning.
WIN Career Readiness
An online platform that offers programs and assessments to help people develop employability skills including:
Academic skills courseware: Measures foundational academic skills
Soft skills courseware: Helps learners develop behavioral and attitudinal skills
Digital skills courseware: Provides skills for navigating technology in the workplace
Assessments: Measures work habit skills such as communicating effectively, promoting teamwork, and critical thinking
Special Workshops
February 4 and 18 at 10 a.m.
Join us for an inspiring virtual workshop as we hear from Julie, who transitioned from training veterans as a contractor for the Army in casualty to starting a new career in technology!
Julie worked with the Kentucky Career Center, leveraging its resources and taking the initiative to explore a new path in tech. Her journey showcases how dedication and the right support can lead to a successful career transition.
Louisville Metro Careers
Virtually at 10 a.m.
March 4
March 11
Special guest speaker Rebecca Jenkins, Talent Acquisition Coordinator, will share insights on:
The benefits and opportunities of working for Louisville Metro Government
How to stand out and succeed at the Louisville Metro Job Fair on March 18
Tina Whaley, Workshop Facilitator
"We provide the best workshops, ensuring that our job seekers have the latest information and resources to their specific situations."
Workshop Registration
After completing the form below you will receive an email from a staff member with instructions on how to join the workshop. To ensure that we can send your invitation and registration details in a timely manner, please allow up to three business days for processing.