Kentucky Career Center

A quality job is within your reach. Let’s find it together.

Our career specialists at the Kentucky Career Center can support you in every aspect of your job search. We provide counseling and workshops to help you with your goals, resume, interview skills, and connect you to quality jobs. We can even help you earn your GED!

All services are free of charge.


A limited number of training scholarships are now available in fields like healthcare, manufacturing, business services, IT, transportation, construction, and many more! Contact us to learn more.

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Donald is a client of the Kentucky Career Center who visited the KCC on Broadway shortly after being released from prison. The KCC team helped him create a resume, prepare for interviews, and land a job he loves.

Click a location below to see more details and hours of operation

  • Goodwill Opportunity Campus
    2820 W Broadway, Suite 100

    Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5pm
    (502) 388-3010

  • We have moved!

    Caldwell House
    316 Main Street
    Shelbyville, KY 40065
    (502) 230-8019

    Monday-Thursday 8am-4:30pm

We also offer career services throughout the region

Led by expert career counselors, our workshops will help you sharpen your job search skills and explore new career pathways. All workshops are also available by appointment.

Upcoming Workshops include: Using LinkedIn, Job Searching, Interview Success, Resume Help, and more.

Workshops helped Julie gain confidence and land the technology job she was looking for.

You can work with a career specialist on every aspect of your career journey. Career Services we offer include:

  • Custom Career Planning

  • Resume Review and Optimization

  • Interview Guidance and Practice

  • Labor Market Information

  • Job Search Assistance

  • Information on Training Opportunities

Career coaches were able to help Beverly her start a career as a CNA.

Other Resources

Business Solutions

Businesses and organizations seeking to partner with or learn more about the Kentucky Career Center can reach out to Vahid Mockon at (502) 208-9249 or