KentuckianaWorks Customer Survey
Gift Card Giveaway Rules

The Greater Louisville Workforce Development Board, Inc. (KentuckianaWorks) will randomly select a current workforce services customer from the pool of surveys submitted within one calendar month with complete contact information to win one of two $50 prizes. Each prize will be distributed in the form of gift card(s) totalling fifty US Dollars in value. Complete contact information consists of a name and either a valid email address or a valid phone number where the survey respondent can be reached. Current customers are individuals enrolled with any KentuckianaWorks-funded service or program within 6 months prior to the survey submission. If a respondent enters the drawing for the $50 gift card and they have not reached “enrolled” status for at least one program funded by KentuckianaWorks in the drawing period, the respondent is disqualified from winning the gift card for the current drawing only. Ineligibility for one drawing does not disqualify a program participant from entering future drawings.

Eligible services and programs include:

  • Assistance from a dedicated Talent Development Specialist affiliated with Kentucky Career Center locations in Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties in Kentucky

  • Assistance from dedicated career coaches affiliated with The Spot: Young Adult Opportunity Campus

  • Assistance through Power of Work

  • Assistance through the KentuckianaWorks College Access Center

  • Assistance through YouthBuild to participate in the SummerWorks program

  • Code Louisville or Tech Louisville

  • Kentuckiana Builds

  • SNAP E&T


Customers can access the survey below or a QR Code available at service locations.


Customers may submit the survey as many times as they like, however, a respondent is only eligible to win the $50 gift card once every 6 months.


The gift card drawing will take place monthly within 10 business days of the end of the calendar month. The gift card winner will be contacted via the information they provided for the final survey question. The gift card winner must respond within two weeks of being contacted, otherwise another winner will be drawn. Gift cards will be sent to the winner in one of two ways:

  • The winner may pick up the gift card at a KentuckianaWorks service center location of their choosing.

  • KentuckianaWorks nor its service providers* will be responsible for the gift card once the winner picks it up from the service center and will not issue a replacement card if lost or stolen.

  • The winner may choose to have the gift card mailed to them. KentuckianaWorks will confirm the correct address to mail the gift card with the winner. KentuckianaWorks is not responsible for the gift card once posted and will not issue a replacement card if lost or stolen.

*Includes service providers and staff of the following programs, organizations, and locations: Reimage, SummerWorks, Power of Work, SNAP E&T, KentuckianaBuilds, KentuckianaWorks College Access Center, Code Kentucky, Code Louisville, Tech Louisville, Kentucky Career Center at the Nia Center, Kentucky Manufacturing Career Center, Kentucky Career Center at the Stratton Community Center, Kentucky Career Center at the Buckman Street Center, The Spot: Young Adult Opportunity Campus, HOPE Community Center, Spencer County Public Library, Trimble County Public Library, Oldham County Public Library - LaGrange Branch, Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, Louisville Urban League, Equus Workforce Services, YouthBuild, and the KentuckianaWorks College Access Center.