After the Tassel

A new program designed to help high school seniors secure quality employment.


Who is eligible to participate?
High school seniors and recent graduates in the seven-county Louisville region (Jefferson, Bullitt, Henry, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties) who do not have immediate plans to attend college.

What services will After the Tassel provide?*
Services we plan to offer include personalized career counseling and assessment, career exploration opportunities, job readiness training, skill development, connections to employers who are hiring, and other support as needed.

What kinds of jobs will After the Tassel help participants get?
After the Tassel is focused on connecting participants to full-time employment that pays at least $15 an hour with benefits and relates to the participant’s career interests and plan.

*Program details are still being finalized. The mix of services and program details are subject to change.

Are you interested in enrolling in After the Tassel?

Complete the short form, and we’ll be in touch!

Employer Interest Form

For questions about After the Tassel, contact Program Director Chris Locke via Email or phone (502) 209-7690.