
Code Louisville celebrates placing more than 1,000 participants into technology jobs
Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg joined leaders from the local technology sector and participants and staff of Code Louisville yesterday to celebrate a significant milestone for the software development training program: its 1,000th technology job placement.

Community leaders celebrate success of the Academies of Louisville in 2023-24
On Thursday, June 5, local leaders in education, workforce, and business gathered at the Olmsted to recognize the positive impact made by the Academies of Louisville at JCPS.

Kentuckiana Builds celebrates its 500th graduate
Today, the Louisville Urban League hosted a graduation for the Kentuckiana Builds construction training program at the Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center.
The Spot celebrates its first graduating class
On Friday, the partners behind the The Spot: Young Adult Opportunity Campus celebrated the program’s first class of graduates at a ceremony at the Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center in west Louisville.

Code Louisville celebrates placing 750+ graduates in technology careers
On Thursday, October 13, Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer joined Code Louisville staff, graduates, mentors, employers, and partners at Virtual Peaker in the NuLu Marketplace to celebrate new milestones achieved by the software development and technology training program.