
Expanded UI benefits have ended. What does this mean for Kentucky?
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

Expanded UI benefits have ended. What does this mean for Kentucky?

As supplemental pandemic unemployment insurance benefits end this Labor Day, thousands of Kentuckians will lose access to UI benefits. Research that compares economic outcomes for states that withdrew early from the program reveals the impacts we can expect in the Commonwealth and across the US.

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Spotlight on the construction industry
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

Spotlight on the construction industry

The construction sector is among the Louisville region’s 10 largest industries, and critical to building and maintaining homes, roads, and other structures. In this post, we take a look at the construction industry overall, how it has fared during the pandemic recession, and what kinds of jobs are in demand.

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While labor market inequities persist for young people, SummerWorks can help
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

While labor market inequities persist for young people, SummerWorks can help

Many local employers are finally looking to increase their staffing levels, and young adults are a key labor supply. While employment rates for young people are increasing, persistent inequities exist in the labor market. SummerWorks is a summer youth employment program that seeks to help address these disparities by helping Louisville Metro’s youth connect with a summer job experience.

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Mismatch between employers seeking workers and people seeking work
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

Mismatch between employers seeking workers and people seeking work

There were more than 30,000 individuals out of work but actively seeking work within the Louisville region in March. Even so, we are hearing from employers that they are unable to fill open positions and are scrambling to find workers. What is causing the disconnect between the unemployed and available job openings?

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2020 Data Review: An uneven economic recovery for the Louisville region
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

2020 Data Review: An uneven economic recovery for the Louisville region

The economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic has reverberated throughout the world. The Louisville region’s economy has also suffered as people and businesses reacted to the public health crisis.

In this post, we review the data from throughout 2020 to see the economic impact in the local economy. The recovery since the depths of the pandemic has been uneven across sectors and unequal for different workers.

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