
Challenges Facing Young Adult Workers and their Employers
The challenges facing even the most resourced youth transitioning from school to work have been staggering given the global pandemic and social unrest of the past several years. Combined with other programs and resources, employment access can ease these transitional periods and help to generate positive outcomes.

Data is a Four Letter Word
Setting goals for quality and equity are important, but benchmarking and measuring progress is just as crucial. The data will tell the story over time.

When those closest to the problem lead the conversation
The National Fund for Workforce Solutions’ push to design human-centered workplaces is a welcome innovation that I’ve seen work in other fields.

Louisville one of eight cities awarded grant aimed at improving equity and job quality for young adults
KentuckianaWorks is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a Generation Work™ grant through the National Fund for Workforce Solutions and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This award is part of the second phase of Generation Work grants, which will center young adults of color to inform hiring, retention, and workforce advancement in our community.