
Spotlight on Job Quality
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

Spotlight on Job Quality

Labor Day is celebrated to recognize the “social and economic achievements of American workers.” So in celebration of the American worker, and those within the Louisville region in particular, this post will cover job quality. As stated in the KentuckianaWorks mission, dignified work is that which satisfies needs, creates value, and inspires hope.

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Louisville one of eight cities awarded grant aimed at improving equity and job quality for young adults
Employers, Equity Aleece Smith Employers, Equity Aleece Smith

Louisville one of eight cities awarded grant aimed at improving equity and job quality for young adults

KentuckianaWorks is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a Generation Work™ grant through the National Fund for Workforce Solutions and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This award is part of the second phase of Generation Work grants, which will center young adults of color to inform hiring, retention, and workforce advancement in our community.

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