
Young adults in Louisville share their perspectives on work
What barriers are young adults facing in today's workforce? What do they value most in an employer? Get insights into these questions and more in this new report, based on survey data and conversations with Louisville-area young adults.

National Fund for Workforce Solutions gets first-hand look at innovation in Louisville
Last Wednesday, December 6, board members and staff from the National Fund for Workforce Solutions experienced a behind-the-scenes tour of major workforce development projects happening in the Louisville region.

Louisville Generation Work™ partners attend training focused on young adult workers
As announced last year, KentuckianaWorks is partnering with Goodwill Industries of Kentucky, YouthBuild Louisville, the Coalition Supporting Young Adults, and Metro United Way to implement Generation Work™. Generation Work™ is a project, funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and delivered with the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, to center young adult worker voices in employer practice change. Louisville Generation Work™ partners traveled to Chicago in June of this year to join teams from the other seven Phase Two sites for some training and peer learning.

Challenges Facing Young Adult Workers and their Employers
The challenges facing even the most resourced youth transitioning from school to work have been staggering given the global pandemic and social unrest of the past several years. Combined with other programs and resources, employment access can ease these transitional periods and help to generate positive outcomes.