It’s What You Know

The job world can be confusing with a myriad of job titles that sound like everyone is doing the same thing: Budget Analysts, Financial Analysts, Personal Financial Advisers, Financial Examiners. 

How do you sort it out and find the thing that will bring you joy as well as a wage you can raise a family on?

One tool I’ve found that’s extremely useful in sifting through the many job sectors and finding that needle in a haystack is KentuckianaWorks’ Career Calculator

Searchable by occupation, major, and wages, the Career Calculator helps people find what jobs are most in demand while also learning valuable information about wages, which careers are growing, and which are stagnating.

Everyone needs the Career Calculator 

The Career Calculator is useful to high school students who need to decide what college to go to and what to major in and to people changing careers.

Just a week ago, I introduced the Career Calculator to a woman who had been laid off from the University of Louisville. She needed a job to get her to retirement, but her current job required a level of physical activity that wasn’t sustainable at her age. 

We looked at the Career Calculator together. How much money did she need to make a year, I asked. She said she could get by on $30,000 and that it was hard to find a job making even that. Using the Career Calculator, we found the top ten jobs in Louisville most likely to pay that salary. “Medical secretary” made the middle of the list and we clicked on that job title. We found that job requires only a high school diploma and there were 92 employers looking for medical secretaries in the Louisville area in the last ninety days. 

Hard facts for parents

Before you tell your kids about how any specific college major leads to specific job outcomes, do some research. Make the Career Calculator part of your discussions about college and the future. 

What you know is important. Make the Career Calculator part of your information arsenal as you proceed with your job search or as you help a young person proceed with hers. 

What surprising information did you find on the Career Calculator? Tell us below in the comments section! 


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